Postseason Subscriber Contest Standings

Full contest rules

Postseason contest standings

The parenthetical after each entry is that entry's rank among all entries with the same six Super Bowl players

NOTE: this is only a partial set of standings.

Players remaining
1Twisted (1 / 188) 66732.92
2Entry #102103 (2 / 188) 66726.14
3Entry #102668 (3 / 188) 66720.40
4Entry #100993 (4 / 188) 56719.90
5bbg (5 / 188) 56687.10
6Entry #102390 (6 / 188) 66686.96
7Still Hanging In (7 / 188) 66685.96
8Entry #100791 (8 / 188) 46667.48
9Miss Julia (9 / 188) 36661.96
10MELS DINER (10 / 188) 65661.72
11Legion Of Doom (11 / 188) 46658.42
12Entry #102510 (12 / 188) 46656.10
13Entry #100290 (13 / 188) 56653.46
14Entry #100055 (14 / 188) 66651.38
15Hope and Change (15 / 188) 56650.04
16Crazy Legs (16 / 188) 46648.44
17Entry #100282 (17 / 188) 46647.48
18Woodys (18 / 188) 36647.24
19BShipper (19 / 188) 66647.04
20Sager (20 / 188) 45646.42
21timmysa (21 / 188) 66645.18
22Entry #100310 (22 / 188) 56641.58
23hotliquidmagma (23 / 188) 36639.04
24gator42 (24 / 188) 36633.14
25rizzonius (25 / 188) 36632.90
26Tooth Slayer (26 / 188) 36629.62
27kennyd (27 / 188) 26629.24
28Entry #101293 (28 / 188) 36628.70
29Entry #103194 (29 / 188) 46628.56
30Entry #102468 (30 / 188) 36628.14
31Los Submarinos (31 / 188) 26627.92
32Entry #102552 (32 / 188) 36627.20
33Entry #100769 (33 / 188) 45625.22
34Entry #103134 (34 / 188) 55623.96
35FH Fire Rats (35 / 188) 65621.52
36Motown (36 / 188) 35620.72
37red rocket sluts (37 / 188) 54619.46
38Bronze (38 / 188) 64618.92
39Tbones (39 / 188) 46617.94
40Entry #103252 (40 / 188) 46614.40
41Entry #102983 (41 / 188) 26612.92
42NM Juggernauts (42 / 188) 56612.74
43TMirrione (43 / 188) 36609.46
44Entry #102451 (44 / 188) 26607.44
45Entry #100919 (45 / 188) 64606.14
46Metropolis Shark (46 / 188) 56603.78
47Entry #100763 (47 / 188) 26602.74
48Entry #101647 (48 / 188) 36602.16
49Amish Hitmen (49 / 188) 26602.06
50Pillaging 4 fun (50 / 188) 36601.32
51Entry #101612 (51 / 188) 56600.66
52Tenacious D (52 / 188) 26595.08
53Entry #101583 (53 / 188) 36594.76
54Entry #100570 (54 / 188) 46593.90
55Entry #102518 (55 / 188) 65592.88
56Entry #101797 (56 / 188) 36591.66
57Entry #102689 (57 / 188) 26591.58
58Buzzard32 (58 / 188) 26591.10
59Blue Meanies (59 / 188) 26590.72
60Entry #102728 (60 / 188) 26590.44
61Entry #101448 (61 / 188) 26590.20
62Entry #100806 (62 / 188) 45590.02
63REDTYE DESIGN (63 / 188) 36587.00
64Entry #100159 (64 / 188) 65586.80
65Smooth Rider (65 / 188) 26582.64
66Rietdomc (66 / 188) 35581.80
67rlight119 (67 / 188) 25581.28
68TheBeef (68 / 188) 26580.14
69Entry #102804 (69 / 188) 44579.26
70Entry #101751 (70 / 188) 36578.66
71rcers22 (71 / 188) 35577.82
72Fentoozler (72 / 188) 46577.56
73Superfriends (73 / 188) 45576.04
74CHEESE34 (74t / 188) 26575.96
75Entry #100799 (74t / 188) 36575.96
76Entry #100054 (76 / 188) 26574.52
77Entry #102255 (77 / 188) 36572.66
78Entry #102421 (78 / 188) 35569.86
79Fembots (79 / 188) 64567.68
80BoisterousOyster (80 / 188) 26567.64
81Entry #103245 (81 / 188) 36566.40
82STL Dominators (82 / 188) 26565.96
83Entry #100050 (83 / 188) 45561.56
84B229s (84 / 188) 36559.36
85dotsonian (85 / 188) 26559.10
86Entry #102651 (86 / 188) 36558.80
87Packers1979 (87 / 188) 26558.02
88Entry #101292 (88 / 188) 26554.12
89Outta Luck (89 / 188) 26551.34
90Entry #101123 (90 / 188) 44549.64
91Entry #100360 (91 / 188) 26549.60
92JUST DO IT (92 / 188) 25549.26
93G1210 (93 / 188) 36546.88
94HoboBo (94 / 188) 63546.78
95Gambit (95 / 188) 26543.76
96Entry #102564 (96 / 188) 24540.66
97Entry #101590 (97 / 188) 26538.42
98Entry #100843 (98 / 188) 46536.16
99SeaBass55 (99 / 188) 35534.14
100Mntner (100 / 188) 25534.12
101Entry #101896 (101 / 188) 25533.96
102Gritz Blitz (102 / 188) 34533.20
103Entry #102997 (103 / 188) 26531.66
104hogans (104 / 188) 24527.62
105Entry #101260 (105 / 188) 54526.94
106Entry #102411 (106 / 188) 43521.48
107Entry #102286 (107 / 188) 63520.70
108Entry #102085 (108 / 188) 26520.10
109Neck Stretchers (109 / 188) 43518.22
110Entry #101090 (110 / 188) 26516.50
111Entry #102884 (111 / 188) 15515.24
112UnIdeal Gas (112 / 188) 25515.00
113SilentButtDeadly (113 / 188) 26508.08
114Entry #103278 (114 / 188) 56505.82
115Entry #102356 (115 / 188) 34503.24
116Entry #102783 (116 / 188) 54502.44
117Brooksee (117 / 188) 43500.98
118Nastinators (118 / 188) 44500.10
119Entry #100067 (119 / 188) 62498.18
120soobs (120 / 188) 24496.92
121peddlers (121 / 188) 35493.66
122Thunder Monkeys (122 / 188) 53493.36
123Entry #102401 (123 / 188) 25491.56
124Footstompers (124 / 188) 63489.16
125are you serious (125 / 188) 34484.90
126NakedBootleg (126 / 188) 63484.66
127Entry #100755 (127 / 188) 63483.52
128Conquering Fools (128 / 188) 53480.78
129The Lunatic (129 / 188) 43479.00
130Entry #101338 (130 / 188) 24476.92
131eatitnerd (131 / 188) 25476.22
132BRODIE2282 (132 / 188) 62475.58
133davesfbg (133 / 188) 43475.08
134Legendary (134 / 188) 43474.50
135Entry #102669 (135 / 188) 15472.10
136Entry #100257 (136 / 188) 43469.18
137Entry #100215 (137 / 188) 33467.96
138Entry #100774 (138 / 188) 4465.64
139Bugsy (139 / 188) 44462.86
140Duckboy (140 / 188) 34458.54
141Entry #100873 (141 / 188) 43456.58
142REs Night Hawks (142 / 188) 52455.48
143Leroy Tate (143 / 188) 23454.36
144Entry #102664 (144 / 188) 43452.02
145fairportmc (145 / 188) 44449.30
146Entry #103087 (146 / 188) 42448.04
147Entry #101886 (147 / 188) 44447.74
148BlakBeered (148 / 188) 52444.68
149Entry #102132 (149 / 188) 66442.18
150Anchower (150 / 188) 25438.80
151Entry #102794 (151 / 188) 43434.60
152Entry #100089 (152 / 188) 45430.90
153WiscoAndy (153 / 188) 45426.22
154Entry #102008 (154 / 188) 34426.12
155Entry #100083 (155 / 188) 63417.98
156Toad (156 / 188) 55414.46
157Entry #101435 (157 / 188) 13414.38
158Entry #100502 (158 / 188) 63403.44
159jmf3p (159 / 188) 13397.64
160Entry #102683 (160 / 188) 23394.20
161Molar Mashers (161 / 188) 14393.08
162dMon (162 / 188) 43391.80
163Entry #102063 (163 / 188) 34391.54
164Entry #102956 (164 / 188) 43390.06
165Steel Crushers (165 / 188) 13384.12
166JKubek (166 / 188) 63380.80
167Smoggies (167 / 188) 6378.30
168Ghost420 (168 / 188) 43353.70
169BadgerMan03 (169 / 188) 42347.18
170Entry #101055 (170 / 188) 41346.10
171Entry #100223 (171 / 188) 32340.16
172abbottjamesr (172 / 188) 23339.78
173EDub 292929 (173 / 188) 22335.66
174PurplePpleEaters (174 / 188) 23317.26
175TKoz04 (175 / 188) 34304.92
176Nyce Team (176 / 188) 13291.24
177Los Gatos Negros (177 / 188) 13278.46
178Pfaffdaddy (178 / 188) 3232.60
179Entry #101424 (179 / 188) 3230.28
180Entry #100714 (180 / 188) 6229.02
181Entry #101816 (181 / 188) 3220.22
182Entry #103173 (182 / 188) 23212.16
183Entry #102389 (183 / 188) 42212.02
184Entry #100236 (184 / 188) 42203.50
185Red Dog Melvin (185 / 188) 41200.86
186Entry #100165 (186 / 188) 3197.68
187Entry #101554 (187 / 188) 3176.18
188Gmamuller (188 / 188) 11136.94