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IDP Streaming Matchups for IDL and Edge: Week 18

3 IDP Sleepers to Target

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 17

The Guru's Notepad IDP Info, Notes from Week 16

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 15

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 14

Reading the Defense, Week 11

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 8

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 7

The Guru's Notepad IDP Info, Notes from Week 6

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 4

August Updates, Detroit Lions

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Preseason update 2

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Preseason Update 1

Defensive Linemen Tiers

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Part 16: Detroit Lions

The Guru and the Godfather: Week 13

IDL and Edge Streaming Matchups, Week 11

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 11

The Guru's Notepad IDP Info, Notes from Week 10

IDL and Edge Streaming Matchups, Week 10

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 10

IDP Waiver Wire Week 10

IDL and Edge Streaming Matchups, Week 9

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 9

IDP Upgrades: Week 9

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Week 8

Analyzing IDP Trends From Week 7

The Guru's Notepad IDP Info, Notes from Week 7

August Updates, Detroit Lions

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Preseason Round 1 Notes

Defensive Linemen Tiers

Team Report, Detroit Lions

Eyes of the Guru IDP Info, Part 18: Detroit

Combined Rookie Draft Board