As a subscriber to Footballguys, you'll gain access to our inseason contest and our postseason contest. These are free to you as a subscriber.
But they aren't easy.
2018 Footballguys Subscriber Contest
Each subscriber is allowed one entry into this contest.
2018 Footballguys Postseason Subscriber Contest
Each subscriber is allowed one entry into this contest, which will debut on Tuesday, January 1, 2019, which is the week before Wild Card weekend. Until then, here are the rules from 2017. The 2018 version likely will be similar.
Footballguys Players Championship
Launched in 2010, an entry into the Footballguys Player Championship (FPC) costs only $350 and gives you a chance at a quarter-million-dollar grand prize. All from the comfort of your home. If you are interested, don't wait too long because the FPC sells out every year. You don't want to be left out.
Fantasy Football Players Championship
The folks at the Fantasy Football Players Championship (FFPC) are our partners in the FPC. Founded in 2008, the FFPC offers a wide range of leagues with entry fees from $35 all the way up to $10,000. They offer online leagues along with their live, in-person, flagship event every year in Las Vegas, Nevada. As with the FPC, their main event sells out every year, so make sure you get in before it's too late.