My Fantasy League Import 2019a - 7/8/19
This utility only imports leagues hosted by, so you don't have to manually enter your league variables, scoring, schedules, rosters, salaries, etc. into the Draft Dominator Classic. If your league is hosted by one of the other sites Yahoo, ESPN, CBS Sports, etc. you will have to manually enter your information. It goes pretty quick though. Just click File - Setup and walk through the setup pages. When you are done, click File - Save As… and give it a name associated with your league, so you only have to enter your league info once./p>
When you visit your league, the 5 digit number shows up on the address bar of your browser.
It creates a Draft Dominator Classic league file (*.ddf). You can then click File - Open in Draft Dominator Classic, and browse to the file you just created. It will be in your C:\Program Files\MFL Import subdirectory.
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