Lineup Dominator Classic for Windows
Note: To get the latest projections data (as of 12/24), click File -> Get New Data
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If you have a Draft Dominator file... open it with File-Open and browse to your C:\Program Files\DraftDominator subdirectory. You can also copy all of your League Files (*.ddf) from the C:\Program Files\DraftDominator subdirectory to the C:\Program Files\LineupDominator subdiretory.
The Lineup Dominator starts with a default league called MyLeague. To customize it to your league, click File-Setup and enter your league variables, team names, schedule, scoring system, pick order.
After setting up your league, be sure to save it. Click File Save As... and give it a new name that corresponds to your league.
Use the mouse Right Click to add players to teams.
The LD and TD are native Windows programs. You can run them on a Mac, but it requires virtualization software like VMWare Fusion or Parallels and a copy of a Windows Operating System.